Lifestyle choices and chemicals in environment are major reasons for decline in Men Sperm Count Globally

Lifestyle choices and chemicals in environment are major reasons for decline in Men Sperm Count Globally

As a reproductive health expert, it is very disheartening to say to a couple that they are infertile or cannot have a baby. Infertility in today’s context has become a global health issue as millions of couples are found to be infertile or not able to conceive. Not only women, but also men in millions have been found to be the reason of infertility of a couple.

A recent study, published in the journal Human Reproduction Update shows 50% decline in men sperm count globally, including India leading to infertility in med largely. Fall in sperm count is not new. We have been witnessing the declination for decades and the recent alarming report indicates the focus to be equal on male reproductive issues.

There have been two major factors contributing largely to the declension of the total sperm count in male such as lifestyle choices and environmental chemicals. While lifestyle choices include improper diet, sleeping habits, smoking and alcohol consumption or drug abuse, environmental chemicals include exposure to pollutants, toxins in the air, radiation hazards from mobiles, laptops, plasticizers in plastics or pesticides in our food.

Plasticizers, found in most plastics like water bottles and food containers has negative impacts on testosterone and semen health. Herbicides and pesticides abound in the food supply specifically those with synthetic organic compounds that include phosphorus negatively affect fertility of men. Air pollution is subject to particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other compounds that likely contribute to abnormal sperm quality. Radiation exposure from laptops, cellphones and modems has also been associated with declining sperm counts, impaired sperm motility and abnormal sperm shape. Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and arsenic are also present in food, water and cosmetics also harm sperm health.

While environmental factors may not be in one’s control, lifestyle choices that will help in sperm health can be adopted. A little modification in lifestyle such as avoiding junk food, smoking and alcohol, proper sleep, minimizing stress and exercising regularly could improve one’s sperm count as well as quality. Also checking with one’s environment like limiting use of plastics, eating organic, limiting usage of phones and laptops, wearing mask while outside can also help in male fertility.

Symptoms of lower sperm count should not be avoided. One should immediately see a doctor if any of these symptoms is witnesses. Symptoms include problems with sexual function like low sex drive erectile dysfunction, pain/ swelling or a lump in the testicle area, decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosome or hormone abnormality.

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