
Brief Profile Of Dr. Sujata Kar

The accolades that she has received in her profession are many. As an experienced Endo-ART specialist, to date has done more than 10000 cases of advanced Gynaecologic endoscopic surgery & Assisted Reproduction. She is the recipient of many prestigious awards for her achievements in the field of Gynaec Endoscopy.Dr Sujata Kar, Gynecologist in Kar Clinic and Hospital Bhubaneswar

Happiness always looks small If you hold it in your own hands; When you learn to share it with others, you will realize how big and precious it really is… says Dr. Sujata Kar

Service to mankind is service to God and Dr Sujata Kar , Gynecologist in Kar Clinic and Hospital Bhubaneswarhas truly put this to practice in a profession that demands relentless perseverance and immense strength. An established general gynaecologist and obsteritician practicing at the Kar Clinic, Bhubaneswar, Dr Sujata Kar , Gynecologist in Kar Clinic and Hospital Bhubaneswar played a pivotal role in setting up the first IVF centre in Eastern Odisha. A well travelled women, who has been a varsity topper and winner of 7 gold medals in MBBS, is now a name synonymous with infertility treatment in the state and has patients visiting her from the most remote areas.

After completing her MBBS & MD from the prestigious SCB Medical College, Cuttack Dr Sujata Kar did her DNB, from the National Board. She pursued advanced training in laproscopic surgery from Calcutta and did her IVF from Belgium, under Professor Paul Devroey and London Harley Street Fertility Centre. Dr Sujata Kar developed advanced laparoscopic skills from multiple Observership in USA over the years. “I wanted to practice something beyond the regular medical challenges and this made me explore the world of gynaecology. Also, Odisha did not have any IVF centres at that point and this made it even more challenging for me,” quips the doctor.

Present Activities

  • Consultant Gyn. & Obs. at Kar Clinic & IVF Centre for last 28 yrs.
  • Endo-ART specialist. Practicing advanced Gynecologic endoscopic surgery & Assisted Reproduction.
  • Running full fledged Assisted Reproduction unit for last 18 yrs. Credited with the First IVF, First ICSI baby of Eastern Orissa, 1st Cryopreserved baby, 1st Assisted laser hatching pregnancy & live birth of Orissa, & 1st IVF triplet of Orissa.
  • National executive body member of ISAR, IAGE, ISSRF, ISPAT.

Experience & Specialized Training

  • Lecturer “Kasturba Medical College” Manipal Karnataka
  • Ultra Sonography training KMC, Manipal
  • Gynacological Endoscopy training Kolkata
  • ART Training IRM Kolkata under Prof. B N Chakraborty
  • Visiting fellow IVF and ICSI programme. Harley Street Fertility Center, London, UK
  • Visiting fellow and training in Assisted Reproduction Endoscopy & Inter-ventional Ultrasound, CRM (Center for Reproductive Medicine) Brussels; Belgium under Prof. Paul Devroey
  • Certified training in advanced 3D & 4D sonography


  • 1986 : “Best Graduate” 1986 final MBBS Batch SCB Medical College, Cuttack
  • 1986 : Seven Gold Medals in Final MBBS. Gynaec & Obs., Surgery, Medicine
  • 1984 : Honours in Pathology & Microbiology
  • 1983 : Honours in Forensic Medicine & Pharmacology
  • 1982 : Honours in physiology

Conferences Organized

  • 2015 : YUVA ISAR – 2nd National Conference on Young Achievers in Reproductive Medicine
  • 2013 : 3D ENDOVISION first 3D gynaec laparoscopy conference & live workshop of Orissa
  • 2012 : ISPAT NATIONAL Prenatal Diagnosis Conference
  • 2011 : 1ST TRIMESTER National Conference
  • 2009 : “Only Hysteroscopy” national conference & workshop With IAGE
  • 2008 : ISAR (Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction) Annual Conference at Bhubaneswar
  • August 2007 : Live workshop on “Total laparoscopic hysterectomy”
  • November 2007 : One day Symposium on “Recurrent pregnancy loss” May Fair Bhubaneswar
  • 2006 : “An update of PCOS” May Fair BBSR. Two day conference for All Orissa Gynaecologist
  • 2006 : “Vitrification Workshop” Kar Clinic IVF Center Regularly having IUI and Basic Infertility training courses recognized by FOGSI
  • 2004 : Advanced Infertility Conference & 1st IVF Workshop of Orissa, Bhubaneswar
  • Regularly having IUI and Basic Infertility Trainng Courses recognized by FOGSI


  • Orissa Obs. & Gyn. Society (AOGO)
  • Life Member Federation of Obs. & Gyn. Societies of India (FOGSI)
  • Life Member Indian Association of Gynaecological endoscopists (IAGE)
  • Life Member Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR)
  • Life Member ISGE (International Society of Gynaecologic Endoscopists)
  • Member ASRM (American Society of Assisted Reproduction)
  • Life member “ASPIRE”
  • Life member “ American associated of gyncaecologic laparoscopy “ (AAGL)”
  • Member of “Androgen excess & PCOS society “ (AEPCOS)
  • Patron member of “ The PCOS society of India “


  • Presented papers in many national & international conferences
  • Invited lectures & guest lectures in number of national & international conferences


  1. Primary abdominal pregnancy following intra-uterine insemination.
    Auther : Kar S.
    J Hum Reprod Sci. 2011 May;4(2):95-9. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.86091. PMID: 22064787
  2. Current evidence supporting “letrozole” for ovulation induction.
    Auther : Kar S.
    J Hum Reprod Sci.2013 Apr;6(2):93-98. Review.PMID: 24082649
  3. Clomiphene citrate or letrozole as first-line ovulation induction drug in infertile PCOS women: A prospective randomized trial.
    Auther : Kar S.
    J Hum Reprod Sci. 2012 Sep;5(3):262-5. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.106338.
    PMID: 23531705
  4. Assisted reproduction in polycystic ovarian disease: A multicentric trial in India.
    Auther :Kumar P, Nawani N, Malhotra N, Malhotra J, Patil M, Jayakrishnan K, Kar S, Jirge PR, Mahajan N..
    J Hum Reprod Sci. 2013 Jan;6(1):49-53. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.112382.
    PMID: 23869152.
  5. Anthropometric, clinical, and metabolic comparisons of the four Rotterdam PCOS phenotypes: A prospective study of PCOS women
    Auther : Kar S
    J Hum Reprod Sci. 2013 Jul;6(3):194-200. DOI:10.4103/0974-1208.121422.
  6. Clomiphene citrate, metformin or a combination of both as the first line ovulation induction drug for Asian Indian women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A randomized controlled trial.
    Auther : Kar S, Sanchita S
    J Hum Reprod Sci. 2015 Oct-Dec;8(4):197-201. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.170373.
  7. Histone retention, protein carbonylation and lipid peroxidation in spermatozoa: Possible role in recurrent pregnancy loss
    Reproductive BioMedicine Online

    Auther : Kar S
    Ms. Ref. No.: RBMO-D-13-00457
  8. TRPV4 is endogenously expressed in vertebrate spermatozoa and regulates intracellular calcium in human sperm
    Auther : Ashutosh Kumar; Rakesh K Majhi; Nirlipta Swain; Sunil c Giri; Sujata Kar; Luna Samanta;
    Corresponding Author: Dr. Chandan Goswami
    Ms. No. : BBRC-16-1741
  9. TRPV4 is endogenously expressed in vertebrate spermatozoa and regulates intracellular calcium in human sperm
    Auther : Ashutosh Kumar; Rakesh K Majhi; Nirlipta Swain; Sunil c Giri; Sujata Kar; Luna Samanta;
    Corresponding Author: Dr. Chandan Goswami
    Ms. No. : BBRC-16-1741
    Racial Differences in Risk and Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Multi-Nation Study
    Corresponding Author: Jessica L. Chan, Sujata Kar, Eszter Vanky, Laure Morin-Papunen4, Terhi Piltonen, Johanna Puurunen, Juha Tapanainen, Gustavo Arantes Rosa Maciel, Sylvia Asaka Yamashita Hayashida, Jose Maria Soares, Jr, Edmund Chada Baracat , Inger Sundström Poromaa, Jan Roar Mellembakken, Anuja Dokras.


Many chapters contributed in various books related to PCOS, Infertility, Endoscopy, Assisted conception.

1.Reproductive medicine: challenges,solutions and breakthroughs ; Jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) ltd ;2013

1. Endometrial receptivity in infertility. Sujata Kar

2.Oocyte and embryo wastage in ART: it is in the seed, not the soil. Sujata Kar

2. The Follopian Tubes ; JayPee brothers medical publishers (P) Ltd. 2013

“ Laparoscopic assessment of the fallopian tubes “ Sujata kar

3. IntraUterine Insemination . JayPee brothers medical publishers (P) Ltd.2012

Role of adjuvants for ovulation induction in IUI. Sujata Kar

4. Chapter on instrumentation in Hysteroscopy in the book “hysteroscopy : simplified by the masters “ 2019 (in publication)

Papers Published

  1. Current evidence supporting “letrozole” for ovulation induction Kar S, et al. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2013
  2. Assisted reproduction in polycystic ovarian disease: A multicentric trial in India.
    Kumar P, et al. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2013
  3. Clomiphene citrate or letrozole as first-line ovulation induction drug in infertile PCOS women: A prospective randomized trial
    Kar S, et al. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2012
  4. Anthropometric , clinical, and metabolic comparisons of the four Rotterdam pcos phenotypes: A prospective study of PCOS women p. 194 Sujata Kar
    DOI: 10.4103/0974-1208. 121422
  5. Clomiphene citrate, metformin or a combination of both as the first lineovulation induction drug for Asian Indian women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
    Sujata Kar, Smriti SanchitaJ Hum Reprod Sci. 2015 Oct-Dec; 8(4): 197-201. DOI: 10.4103/0974-1208.170373
    PMCID : PMC4691970
  6. SYSTEMS BIOLOGY REPRODUCTIVEMEDICINE RESEARCH ARTICLEHistone retention, protein carbonylation, and lipid peroxidation in spermatozoa: Possible role in recurrent pregnancy lossGatatri Mohantya,*, Nirlipta Swaina,b,*, Chandan Goswamib, Sujata Karc , and Luna Samantaa
  7. TRPV4 is endogenously expressed in vertebrate spermatozoa and regulates intracellular calcium in human spermAshutosh Kumara, Rakesh Kumar Majhia,1, Nirlipta Swaina,b,1, S.C.Giric, Sujata Kard, Luna Samantab, Chandan Goswamia,*
  8. 2D and 3d Trans-vaginal Sonography to Determine Cut-offs for Ovarian volume and Follicle Number per ovary for Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Indian Women
    Kar Sujata, Samparna SwoyamJ Reprod Infertil. 2018 Jul-Sep; 19 (3): 146-151.
    PMCID: PMC6104427
  9. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Aug; 217(2):189.e1-189.e8.doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2017.04.007.Epub 2017 Apr 8.Am J Obstet Gynecol.Racial and ethnic differences in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components of metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a regional cross-sectional study.Chan JL 1, Kar S2, VenkyE3, Morin-Papunen L4, Piltonen T4, Puurunen J5, Tapanainen JS6, Maciel GAR7, Hayashida SAY7, Soares JM Jr7,Baracat EC7, Mellembakken JR8, Dokras A9.
  10. Proteomic Signatures in spermatozoa Reveal the Role of Peternal Factors in Recurrent pregnancy LossGayatri Mohanty1, Soumya Ranjan Jena1, Jasmine Nayak1, Sujata Kar2, Luna Samanta1
  11. Hum Reprod Update. 2019 Nov 5;25(6) : 717-732. Doi: 10.1093/humupd/dmz029.First-line ovulation induction for polycystic ovary syndrome: an individual participant data meta-analysis.Wang R1,2,Li W2, Bordewijk EM3, LegroRS4, Zhang H5, Wu x6, Gao J6, Morin-Papunen L7, Homburg R8, Konig TE9, Moll E 10, Kar S11, Huang W12, Johnson NP1,13, Amer SA 14, Vegetti W15, Palomba S16, Falbo A17, Ozmen U18,Nazik H19, Williams CD20, Federica G21, Lord J22, Sahin Y23, Bhattacharya S24, Norman RJ1,25, Van Wely


Patience and perseverance Have a magical effect Because they make difficulties disappear And obstacle vanish


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